Ethereum: Python Binance API binance.exceptions.BinanceAPIEException: APIError(code=-2015): Invalid API key, IP, or permissions for action

Here is a revised version of your code with some security and error handling improvements.

import os

from binance import Client

Use the latest version by installing pip install --upgrade binance in your terminal.


Replace with your actual API key.


Replace with your actual API secret.


Set to True for testnet or False for network.

def get_client(api_key, api_secret):


Initialize the Binance API client with the specified API key and secret.


api_key (str): your Binance API key.

api_secret (str): your Binance API secret.


Client: initialized Binance API client.


if not os.environ.get("Binance_API_KEY", "").strip():

raise ValueError ("Your Binance API key is missing from the environment variable.")

elif not os.environ.get("Binance_API_SECRET", "").strip():

raise ValueError ("Your Binance API secret is missing from the environment variable.")

return client (





def main ():


Get account information and execute the function.


client = get_client (API_KEY, API_SECRET)


info = client.get_account()

print(f"Account status: {info}")

Add the desired action here...

For example, you can use the client to place an order or get market data

orders = client.orderplace(symbol = "BTCUSDT", side = "BUY")

print ("Order ID:", orders)

except exception as e:

print(f"Error occurred: {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

main ()

Here is a list of improvements I made:

  • Added error handling: The original code did not have a try-except block, which means that if an error occurs during execution, the program will crash immediately. Now we add a “Try-Except” block to catch all possible exceptions.
  • Environment Variable Setting Implemented: Instead of hard-coding the API Key and Secret into the code, we have added a check to ensure that they are set as environment variables. This way, you can easily switch between the Mainnet and Testnet APIs by setting an environment variable accordingly.
  • Added documentation strings

    Ethereum: Python Binance API binance.exceptions.BinanceAPIException: APIError(code=-2015): Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action

    : We have included documentation strings for each function to provide information about the function’s behavior, its parameters, and possible exceptions.

  • Improved code readability: I have used meaningful variable names and added comments to explain the purpose of each section of code.
  • Switched from testnet API usage: The original code used the testnet API key, which is not recommended for production use. We now switch to the mainnet API if the “TESTNET” flag is set to “False”.

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